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For my own benefit I want to document this lovely day when we were snowed in, the kids were home, and we sketched the snowy mountains. The contrast between the snow, trees and sky was beautiful and made sketching them easier. Having a moment with my daughter, sitting on the floor, being still (and relatively quiet) is a rare occurance in our busy day to day lives and I wonder why it's so difficult to make these moments happen. This is the beauty of snow, it stops everything, and I love it.

At Aberystwyth University, we recently had a talk by Pete Monaghan ( and I was inspired to draw more again, something that never get prioritised but evidently is crucial to inspiring my work. He showed us his tools, a small sketchbook, a fine liner and an ink brush pens, that's all he carries.

I find sketching meditative and it's the only time I don't overthink what I'm making.

snow, art, wales, sketching
Me and Magi sketching from the comfort of our home!

welsh landscape, art, sketching
High contrast landscape.

Art, welsh landscape, sketching
Relaxing work.

art, welsh landscape, sketching


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